• Pros generally don't want to sign one and cons have generally broken them......yuk yuk!
  • They suggest a lack of trust. Can a true marriage where the two are declared to be one be based upon a lack of trust?
  • Not having one, but talking to people that have had them written up, I can only offer this. Pro: potential financial protection if things don't work out. Con: Discussing it and having it break off a potential marriage.
  • The Pros are, you get to keep what you came with if you get divorced. The Cons are, if you ask your soon to be spouse to sign a contract in case of a divorce, your starting with a question mark about your life long commintment to them.
  • Tell that to a wife who lost her eye sight after a punch in the face!It is not a matter of trust, but a commitment to protect those you say you love!!

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