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  • I made an account on this website simply to answer this question. I don't know where you heard about an "outtie" vagina...sounds like the definition of a penis? Anyway, they don't exist, if they do i would be shocked and it's probably a birth/genetic defect?
  • You have two sets of vaginal lips, labia majora and labia minora. The labia majora are the outer lips and some females are smaller which make the inner lips (labia minora) more visible. It's normal and these females are said to have increased sexual sensation.
  • lol, WTF... corse they exist. i have an outtie. (it looks like an alien, thought i wondnt normal admit that) the minora are just a lil darker and stick out. but it is normal. there are many girls that have "outties" just not porn stars cause they are perfectly fake LOL the question i would like to know is,is there any medical benifit of being an "innie" or does it just look prettier?????

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