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  • I've never met anyone happily married who wanted to have sex with ANYONE other than their spouse. Only someone UNHAPPY OR UNFULFILLED sexually or emotionally generally seeks sexual adventure outside of their MARRIAGE/RELATIONSHIP. The unhappy or unfulfilled person may also be having personal emotional problems that have NOTHING to do with their spouse, or family...but be old tapes of their own that do not allow them to fully experience a healthy, loving, intimate and faithful relationship. Sometimes they are addicted to CHAOS, or to the thrill of the NEW challenge, or to the thought of risking a "good marriage" by getting caught, or that they are only of value if being courted by someone who is fresh in wanting them sexually...with no thought that it's not a forever love, but that they are being used. And...some women are lesbians who truly felt that they HAD to marry a man, and so they try to make it work with some nice guy who really loves them, and who they love too...but still want to be with women, because that's who they really ARE. I think this is the worst...everyone gets hurt, no one gets what they really want or think they have...all because of denial, and fear and lies.
  • I don't know why someone down rated the question...I don't agree with the practice...but I can't see where the QUESTION deserves to be down I rated it up 5.
  • There are more than you think. I know lots of women who stay happily married by having a girlfriend that they are also involved with. I haven't done it, but I can certainly understand it.

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