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  • The exact time would be hard to know without knowing the weight of the man, the diameter and tightness of the rope (piano wire for example would probably cut into the scrotum immediately), and probably the individuals development (or lack or it) in his scrotum. For real experiences in this matter, i would suggest you check out the websites "" and "". That said, i would GUESS no more than two or three minutes for a well developed (in the genital area) and relatively thin man, a heavyset man could be irreversably damaged before he was even suspended. With time and conditioning, i am sure endurance could be extended. The person who could offer a better educated guess would probably be a urologist, but you can probably find a few personal accounts and experiences at the websites i gave above. Personally, i would STRONGLY advise against this activity - there are safer ways to indulge a castration fantasy fetish. Just think this one through, imagine how painful and costly a visit to the emergency room would be if you let this get out of hand (not to mention humiliating).
  • Why don't you try it and time yourself with a stop watch and let us know.
  • For most men, the answer is not at all. A fair bit of training to get to half one's body weight...
  • ok ow! if you want to get rid of them so badly just cut them off like they do to bulls balls! its unspeakably painfully and cruel and you could die but they wont grow back!
  • 1 second....before it tears openand spills ....everything....on the floor
  • This sounds like a new form of torture. They didn't hang Saddam Hussein this way. Why anyone would even entertain a gruesome thought like this defies comprehension.
  • Please,DON'T DO IT!!!
  • I'd say within a second !
  • (yes I now this is a very onld question) You should try it and tell us how it goes; who knows, you might even get the Darwin Award!
  • there is a woman in England (amanda monti is her name)who went to prison for pulling off one of her ex-boyfriend's testicles during a fight. Now from her photo she looks to weigh much less than the average man and as she couldn't pull with more force than her own weight I think it is safe to assume that a man's own body weight would simply rip the testicles off!
  • I have been doing this for many years and have had no diverse effects.

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