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  • That depends on what you're talking about. If the man is penetrating then of course he can have an orgasm. If you're talking about a man receiving anal sex, then that answer depends on the person. For some men, stimulation of the prostate can be very enjoyable and can make them have an orgasm. It just depends on what the guy likes.
  • Its happened to me before. It was probably my third guy in my ass for the night, when i blew my load over the ground. I was really feeling horny by then. So if i've done somebody else must have.
  • I have had several men penetrate me anally but have found generally there is some mild sexual stimulation but not much more than this. I think I can put this down to penis size and the length of time they were inside me - these were of average length (say, between 6 and 7 inches) and in fact came in under 5 minutes. The one instance where I did have an orgasm, the guy concerned was pretty huge and kept up a regular thumping motion for almost an hour. The sensation built up very slowly and the last 10 minutes I was almost screaming on the verge of coming. From talking to friends I think this is very much the exception with male anal sex.
  • I feel that it all stems back to the earliest sexual experience that each of us have. Usually the early times when we find the wonderful feelings from touch. If one finds pleasure in something at an early age. One usually tends to gravitate towards this same act. If we associate anal with feeling good and continue to explore this "channel" of pleasure it sure can be magnified and grow to achieving an analgasm. Speaking from experience. Anyone that sees me as "different" needs to open up your mind to a new heightened level of inner happiness and know that placing judgment upon another person whether for religious or personal reasons is just sad and wrong. BTW..I am different is so many great ways! Our time here on Earth is far too short.

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