Start out working as a cashier or stock clerk in a retail store. Even though the employment is not glamourous nor does it pay much, it will help you establish some sort of credibility. Getting a job in a retail store is relatively easy because of the high turnover rate. For the time that you are there, you should learn how to do every single job in that store. Doing this will not only teach you how to be a good employee but it also teaches you other job related skills that you cannot learn in the classroom. Being able to work with others is the main job skill that you will learn because your coworkers will come from all different walks of life. You will also have to deal with irate and idiotic customers. With all of the different personalities and moods and issues that come with working with people as well as serving people you will be able to show a perspective employer that you will be able to fit into company as a team player in the organization. If you manage to consistently keep your same job for 2 to 3 years (even if you go from full time to part time) you will have no problem finding your way into the professional work force.
Volunteer work is an excellent place to start. You'll gain invaluable experience and most importantly, you'll be helping both your community & others, which is a great thing to do! However, in order, to gain job experience, then the best thing to do is try to work at a service industry job such as being a waiter/waitress, hotel/motel desk clerk, secretary, tele-marketer, phone operator, working at a department store, or discount chain store, or fast food restaurant--any of those places will work! These are all ways of trying to get a job and make sure that the job you get that you stick with it. If you're only at a job for a short period of time, say less than 1 year and you're already looking for a job, doesn't show that you're very reliable, hard-working, or responsible. Whatever job you get, do the best you can--no matter how minimal the pay might be, or how much you hate it because if you're punctual, hard-working, and respectful, then you'll be working your way up through the ranks quicker than you can say, "Would you like fries with that?" You might wish to attend a career school that offers work education, which can lead to a better paying job than say working at Burger King would, or you might wish to go to law school, graduate school, med school, or business school and work at a low-paying job while you're going because you'll reap the benefits once you get that advanced degree (e.g., Master's or Doctoral degree). Incidentally, I was where you were after I graduated from college 4 years ago ,and after so many dead-end, low-paying jobs, I have a BA degree in Psychology, then I decided to go to grad school, in order, to pursue my MA in Psychology, then I am going to get my Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Good luck your job hunt and remember, "A job worth doing, is a job worth doing right!"
Fresh out of High School or College?
look for the words "entry level" or "assistant" in job listings. These are usually "talked up" jobs for kids out of school. Where you're basically just a tea boy for the guy for that makes the coffee. These jobs may not be glamorous or well paid. But do one for 6-8 months and move on. The thing you're demonstrating here is that you can work a job and can turn up on time without problems.
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