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  • Yeah. Buds kill buds dude. I've been smoking weed for about eight years. I can still taste food but anything spicy doesn't sting very much. Just add tabasco to your food, you'll still feel that. Any type of smoke won't do your taste buds much help.
  • No, it does not "kill your taste buds". However, some people find that smoking anything for a period of time will tend to dull the taste of some foods. The sense of taste returns after you stop smoking for a while. This is more of an issue with tobacco smokers, who may easily consume more tobacco in one day than a marijuana smoker does in one week.
  • I haven't noticed any loss of taste in foods. I don't smoke all that regularly though. When you smoke weed you really aren't smoking that much to get high, a little usually goes a long, long way. While high the taste of food is usually enhanced.
  • Just like cigaretts do. Anything that touches the tongue will affrect taste! After I quit smoking cigarettes I could not believe the difference in the taste of food!
  • It probably does...
  • No it doesn't kill your taste buds! - much information there about marijuana and it's affects.

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