• Tendinitis in the elbow is commonly known as tennis elbow and is caused by repetitive motion of the elbow joint for extended periods. Most cases can be treated at home, although extreme cases might need to be treated by a doctor.


    Tendinitis is typically caused by repeating a particular motion over long periods of time, but in rare cases it can be caused by sudden injury.


    Symptoms of tendinitis in the elbow include a dull ache at the elbow joint, tenderness and mild swelling.

    Home Care

    Immobilize the joint to limit the motion causing the damage. Rest and put ice on the area if pain begins. Apply compression to alleviate the swelling. Take ibuprofen to manage the pain and help reduce swelling.

    Doctor Care

    Your doctor might use corticosteroid injections to help alleviate swelling. He also might prescribe a physical therapy regimen to help strengthen the affected tendons.


    When symptoms of tendinitis begin, start treatment immediately. If pain persists after treatment, seek medical attention.

    Source: Elbow Tendonitis Information

    The Mayo Clinic: Tendinitis Patient information: Elbow tendinitis (tennis and golf elbow)

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