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  • There are many potential causes of testicular pain, ranging from infections to a condition called a testicular torsion. A doctor should be consulted for most instances of chronic, or long-lasting, testicular pain.


    The most common source of testicular pain is trauma, such as a physical impact to the groin. This pain usually passes quickly, but should be checked by a doctor if it lasts more than a day.


    Orchitis is inflammation of one or both of the testes caused by a bacterial or viral agent.


    Epididymitis is an inflammation or bacterial infection of an epididymus, the tube through which sperm leaves the testicle where it is produced.

    Testicular Torsion

    A testicular torsion occurs when a spermatic cord that supplies blood to a testis gets twisted. The blood supply to the testis get cut off and this can cause severe pain.


    Lumps on the testes usually cause mild discomfort rather than pain. These lumps can be anything from benign, fluid-filled structures known as spermatoceles and varicoceles, to cancerous tumors.


    Health Testicle Pain

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