• Healthy women have, on average, a 10 to 25 percent chance of becoming pregnant each cycle, according to Dr. Mark Perloe, medical director of Georgia Reproductive Specialists in Atlanta.

    Age 20 to 30

    Fertility is at its peak in younger women. Women in their 20s take, on average, four to seven months to get pregnant, according to Perloe.

    Age 30 to 40

    In her book, "Taking Charge of Your Fertility," best-selling author Toni Weschler states, "infertility risk increases dramatically" for women in their mid-30s. On average, women in their 30s take seven to 12 months to become pregnant, Perloe says.

    Age 40 to 50

    The American Society for Reproductive Medicine says women in their early 40s only have about a 5 percent chance of getting pregnant. After the age of 44, most women are not able to get pregnant, even with medical assistance.

    Each Cycle

    The likelihood of conception in any given cycle is also age-dependent, Perloe says, with the best odds for women in their 20s---who have a 25 percent chance.

    When to Seek Help

    Perloe and Weschler suggest a couple consult a doctor if they don't conceive within one year, but women over age 35 should seek a doctor's advice earlier.


    "Taking Charge of Your Fertility"; Toni Weschler, MPH; 2002

    Your Total Health: Odds of Conception

    American Society for Reproductive Medicine: Age and Fertility

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