• Muscle spasm or muscle cramps occur when your muscle involuntarily contracts. They tend to be quick and painful. Unlike muscle twitches, you cannot see the muscle move under the skin.They are common in the hamstrings and other parts of the leg. Self-care measures, and medications in more serious cases, can address this problem.


    Muscle spasms typically result from dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Drink lots of water; drinks like Gatorade that contain electrolytes are also good choices for those engaging in intense physical activity.


    Gentle stretching, massage and heat can ease acute muscle spasms. These treatments ease pain and break the spasm cycle. Drinking tonic water containing quinine can also help.

    Seeing a Doctor

    See a doctor if you experience frequent muscle cramps not mitigated by self-care treatments. You might need to undergo blood and neurological testing. More serious instances might require medication.


    Muscle relaxants like Flexeril, Norflex and Lioresal might be beneficial for more serious cases. If your spasms result from spastic muscle disorders, you might need treatments that act on the neurotransmitters in your brain; examples include drugs typically used for Parkinson's disease and seizure disorders. You can also use Botox to treat these conditions; results typically last for several months.

    Muscle Knots

    Frequent spasms can form muscle knots, which can trigger more spasms. You can do several things to reduce the formation of these knots. Athletes and other people who engage in strenuous physical activity might benefit from therapeutic massage, physical therapy treatments involving heat, ice, ultrasound and electrical stimulation or acupuncture.





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