• When a car accident occurs, there is usually a sudden and harsh force that jars the entire body. The neck pain that can result from such an impact is medically known as whiplash, according to the Mayo Clinic.


    Rear-end automotive accidents are usually the primary cause of whiplash and resulting neck pain.

    Time Frame

    Neck pain caused by a car wreck is usually due to a soft-tissue injury, and it can take up to several days for pain to actually set in.

    Initial Treatment

    Initial treatment for neck pain typically includes ice applied to sore muscles and over-the-counter pain relievers, according to the Mayo Clinic.

    Advanced Treatments

    If whiplash-related pain persists, prescription pain relievers and physical therapy may be necessary.

    Recovery Outlook

    Most people recover from neck pain due to a car accident within a few weeks, according to the Mayo Clinic. However, some people do experience long-term pain and range-of-motion problems after a collision.

    Other Symptoms

    Other symptoms that may accompany neck pain after a car accident include dizziness, headache, shoulder pain, back pain and memory problems.

    Source: Whiplash

    National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: Whiplash

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