• Lexapro is a prescription drug used to treat depression and anxiety. However, there are several additional conditions that respond to treatment with Lexapro.


    Lexapro relieves common symptoms of depression including difficulty sleeping, physical pain, suicidal thoughts, and feelings of hopelessness.


    Anxiety causes inflated worry and apprehension throughout the day. Sufferers of chronic anxiety may find relief from a prescription of Lexapro.

    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    Unusual operation of the brain's circuitry can cause obsessive compulsive disorder, which is characterized by constant, undesirable thoughts or images, or by the pressing need to engage in rituals. Obsessive compulsive disorder can be successfully treated with Lexapro.

    Panic Attacks

    Sudden feelings of terror are referred to as panic attacks. Proper treatment, including Lexapro, allows the sufferer to bring his sudden feelings of fear under control.


    Migraines are characterized by severe throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head. If chronic pain is unrelieved following over-the-counter remedies, a medical professional may prescribe Lexapro to treat frequent migraines.

    Source: Lexapro

    More Information:

    Emedtv: Depression

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