• A variety of factors may be among the causes of a rapid drop in HDL levels. Lack of exercise, weight gain, resumption of smoking or dietary changes frequently produce this drop.


    High density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL) serve similar but separate roles. LDL carries cholesterol and fat to bodily cells while HDL removes excess cholesterol.


    Resumption in smoking forces HDL lower. Tobacco smoke "causes chemical changes to HDL, which may eliminate HDL's beneficial effects," says The Mayo Clinic. "Quitting smoking can increase your HDL cholesterol by up to 10 percent."


    A reduction in exercise regularly causes levels of HDL to diminish. Physical activity spurs the body to produce lipoprotein lipase, a blood enzyme that converts fat to muscle and turns "bad" cholesterol (LDL) into "good" cholesterol (HDL).

    Risk Factors

    Weight gain, dietary changes, genetic conditions and other factors also may contribute to a rapid drop. "Progesterone, Beta blockers, poorly controlled diabetes, uremia, zinc, anabolic steroids and male sex hormones lower HDL cholesterol levels," according to Cincinnati's Jewish Hospital.


    High levels of HDL indicate a healthy circulatory system as it acts to prevent the buildup of arterial cholesterol known as atherosclerosis.


    High Blood Cholesterol

    Cincinnati Jewish Hospital Cholesterol Center

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