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  • Produced by Horphag Research, Prelox is a nutritional supplement promoted as a treatment for erectile dysfunction. Unlike other natural supplements for erectile dysfunction, some clinical tests support the effectiveness of Prelox.


    Prelox contains the amino acid L-arginine and pycnogenol, a substance derived from pine trees that contains antioxidants.


    L-arginine opens up blood vessels and improves circulation. Herbalists report that pycongenol has similar effects, according to RxList. Improved circulation may in turn improve ability to achieve and maintain an erection.


    The makers of Prelox recommend taking two capsules twice per day for two weeks, followed by one tablet twice per day.


    A 2008 study at the Medical University of Sofia in Sofia, Bulgaria, published in the International Journal of Impotence Research found that men with erectile dysfunction who took Prelox experienced symptom improvement. A 2009 New York University School of Medicine study published in the journal European Endocrinology also found Prelox effective for the treatment of erectile dysfunction.


    Flushing and headaches are possible side effects of Prelox. If you have a history of heart disease or high blood pressure or take prescription medications, consult your doctor before taking Prelox, suggests the product manufacturer.


    Prelox Website: Prelox Brochure

    European Endocrinology: Prelox for Improvement of Erectile Quality Improvement of Erectile Function with Prelox

    More Information:

    RxList: L-Arginine

    RxList: Pycnogenol

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