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  • In most of the world's societies, men are expected to be the sexual aggressors. But according to sex researcher Dr. Irwin Goldstein, M.D., director of sexual medicine at San Diego's Alvarado Hospital and editor in chief of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, as many as one in five men has little to no interest in sex. Whether temporary or long term, a low male libido can stem from a variety of factors, from stress to health problems.

    Low Testosterone

    The hormone testosterone maintains the male sex drive, and specifically erectile function. As men age, levels of testosterone can decrease, leading to a less active libido, says WebMD.


    Tranquilizers and high blood pressure pills can dampen the male sex drive. Antidepressants, including MAOIs, SSRIs and tricyclics, can interfere with a man's ability to achieve orgasm and experience ejaculation as well as maintain an erection.

    Sexual Dysfunction

    Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, which is the inability of a man to achieve or maintain an erection, can not only impinge on arousal but the desire to have sex. It affects 18 million men in the United States, says WebMD.


    Depression can cause a lack of interest in normally pleasurable activities, including sex. Whereas many antidepressants actually contribute to sexual dysfunction, Wellburtin is one of the few antidepressants that helps combat low libido, according to ThirdAge.


    Financial difficulties, relationship problems and issues particularly related to self-esteem can affect a man's sexual desire negatively, says ThirdAge.

    Low Dopamine

    Low levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter within the brain's pleasure center that maintains sexual interest, can cause a lowered sex drive. Interestingly, dopamine-stimulating drugs used to treat patients with Parkinson's resulted in increased libidos along with the alleviation of Parkinson's symptoms, reports WebMD.

    Source: When a Man's Sex Drive Is Too Low Nine Sex Drive Killers

    Prevention Magazine: Where'd My Sex Drive Go?

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