• The acronym CAM stands for "controlled ankle motion." A CAM walker is a boot worn by individuals with injuries to the lower leg or foot to prevent further injury and aid healing.


    CAM walkers, such as those manufactured by LEEDer Group, look like large, heavy black boots. They typically have five thick straps that secure the foot and leg within the boot. The sole is padded for comfortable ambulation.


    CAM walkers serve as alternatives to walking casts. They give the patient a wider range of motion while still maintaining the foot and ankle at 90 degrees to ensure that recovery progresses.


    Companies such as Patterson Medical make a variety of CAM walkers suited to different injuries. Among those injuries aided by walkers are acute ankle sprains, stress fractures of the lower leg, soft tissue injuries and stable fractures. They are also used for trauma and rehabilitation purposes.


    CAM walker prices vary widely depending on the boots specific qualities. They can be found ranging from $50 to $300.


    Walkers are available in ankle-height and knee-high models. The patient and doctor also choose among non-inflated, pre-inflated and adjustable-inflated models that use pneumatically filled air pockets to improve comfort and healing.


    LEEDer Group

    The Brace Shop

    Controlled Motion Ankle Fracture Walker

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