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  • Reduced libido can be an important issue for women to address, and can be brought on by changes in home life, physical issues, medications and relationship issues. Taking the appropriate steps to treat libido problems can help to ease the disinterest in sex.


    Physical problems like diseases, fatigue and addiction can make a woman's desire for sex plummet. Other physical changes like menopause and pregnancy can change the hormone levels in the body, making sex less appealing. Further, stress and problems in a relationship can create a mental barrier that can reduce libido.


    Medical treatments typically do not target the libido itself but rather the causes for the low libido, though in some cases, estrogen treatments may be used. Testosterone treatments are thought to bring up the libido in women, but have too many negative side effects and have not been approved by the FDA.


    Exercising can add to the overall sense of well-being, and can help to improve stamina while decreasing the effects of stress on the body. Pelvic floor exercises can also help to increase sensation and pleasure during sex, making it a more enjoyable activity. It's also important to make time within her busy schedule for sex and intimacy.


    For women in a committed relationship, communication with her partner is key. Knowing likes and dislikes, as well as the opportunity to spice up the sex life may help women overcome libido issues.


    Some women become bored with sex because the sex has not changed in years. Spicing up the sex life with toys, role playing or extra time for foreplay may help a woman address her libido issues.


    Mayo Clinic: Low sex drive in women

    Women to Women: Low sex drive in women --- causes and solutions

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