Ventura is a Spanish feminine noun meaning "happiness," "contentment" and "luck." The adjective form of ventura is "future" or "that which is to come."
Spanish words that are synonymous with ventura are "felicidad" and "suerte." English synonyms include "fortune," "joy" and "satisfaction."
Spanish antonyms for ventura include "desventura," "desdicha" and "desgracia." Some English antonyms are "misfortune," "mishap" and "misery."
Sample usages of ventura: "Buena ventura," meaning "Good fortune"; "a la (buena) ventura," meaning "(to take action) at random or without a fixed plan"; "mala ventura," meaning "bad (or ill) luck"; and "a la ventura," meaning "taking the days as they come."
Ventura, California
Ventura is also the name of a city in Southern California, west of Los Angeles, near the Pacific Ocean. Ventura is the county seat of Ventura county, established in 1873. The estimated population, according to the 2008 projections, was 104,000. The city was founded in 1782 at the site of the San Buenaventura mission.
San Buenaventura Mission
The San Buenaventura Mission was established in 1792. The founder of the mission was a missionary named Junipero Serra, who founded eight previous missions in the territories. The mission is still an active parish and has been restored and designated as a historic site.
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