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  • When people think libido, sex normally comes to mind. However, the term libido has a deeper meaning attached to it. It's not simply a "sex word," but a psychology word that has depth and multiple senses.

    Definition of Libido

    According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, libido is classified as the sexual energy that one receives from sexual urges--a person's sexual drive.

    The Origin of Libido

    The term libido comes from Sigmund Freud. Freud used the term to label the sex drive or sexual instinct of individuals. He identified it as a gradual buildup to a climax, followed by a loss of excitement.

    Male or Female

    Libido exists in both males and females. Despite heavy speculation, there is no proof as to which sex has the larger libido.

    When does libido start?

    Freud further suggests that sexual drives start during infancy, at the mouth. This is seen through an infant's primary urge to suck on things. Later on, particularly during puberty, the sexual drive centers within the sexual organs. The sexual transition ultimately matures the libido.

    How is one's libido established?

    Ultimately, Freud believed that an individual's personality shapes his basic drives and impulses, such as the libido. Failure to satisfy your libido could result in psychological health problems.


    Merriam-Webster Dictionary

    Libido: Sexual Instinct & Sigmund Freud

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