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  • As one of the most predominant sexually transmitted disease in the U.S., approximately seven million Americans contract trichomoniasis annually. Fortunately, this disease is relatively easy for a physician to detect and treat. Detection is much easier in women than in men, but both genders are equally susceptible to the infection. Considered a sexually transmitted disease, or STD, trichomoniasis is spread predominantly through unprotected sex.

    Signs and Symptoms

    Signs and symptoms are generally mild to non-existent initially, especially in men. It is possible to be infected with trichomoniasis and not know it. Women may experience an odorous vaginal discharge. Abdominal pain may also occur. Though rare, males may experience painful urination. Pain with ejaculation during intercourse is also possible. Though symptoms may be mild, treatment remains important, especially with women. An increase susceptibility to contracting HIV. can occur. They also present an increased of passing an existing HIV. infection to their partner. Problems with pregnancy may also develop, such as early delivery or low birth weight.


    The most accurate method of diagnosing the infection involves a trip to the doctor. Women should come prepared for a brief pelvic exam. For men, a urine sample will generally suffice. A swab culture sent to a medical laboratory is the most accurate method of diagnosis, though the physician may elect to examine the specimen under microscope. This is the fastest and most practical method of testing. Doctors prepare a slide for microscopic examination within their own office. They may then quickly prescribe a treatment regimen to the patient. During the office visit, doctors may also recommend testing for additional sexually transmitted diseases. This may require a blood test or other lab study.

    Treatment and Follow-up

    Treatment is generally in the form of an antibiotic such as metronidazole. Follow-up visits to the doctors office are generally unnecessary. Of course, patients should follow their physician's specific recommendations. Should symptoms persist, a return visit to the doctor for further evaluation and treatment will be necessary. It is important to discuss findings with recent sex partners.


    Centers for Disease Control

    Family Planning Association

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