• Lap-Band surgery is the trademarked name for a weight loss procedure in which the size of upper stomach is reduced to a small pouch. This surgery serves as a less severe and reversible alternative to traditional gastric bypass surgery, also know as stomach stapling. However, the surgery does carry risks, as well as considerable weight loss benefits.


    Lap-Band surgery stands for Laparoscopic Gastric Banding. It is performed to limit the size of the upper stomach.


    While the patient is under anesthesia, the surgeon makes a small cut into the abdomen. The surgeon then wraps the band around the upper part of the stomach, forming a tiny pouch.


    Surgery generally takes no longer than one hour. The band contains a balloon that allows its size to change throughout the weight loss process.


    Lap-Band surgery, unlike gastric bypass, does not require any major cutting of the abdomen. Additionally, no stapling takes place and the procedure is flexible and reversible, while still allowing the patient to lose significant amounts of weight.


    This surgery promotes weight loss by leading the individual to fill full more quickly. This causes the patient to reduce food intake, thereby leading to weight loss.


    Complications are less severe than with traditional bypass surgery. However, they can include vomiting, bloating and constipation. Cases of death from Lap-Band surgery have been reported, according to the University of California, San Diego Medical Center.


    Lap-Band: Laparoscopic Obesity Surgery Procedure

    University of California, San Diego Medical Center: Lap Band Complications

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