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  • I suggest you speak to an attorney that deals in domestic disputes. Nobody deserves to be mentally abused.
  • You need to file for one in your local domestic / family court ... the judge will decide . +5
  • I'm assuming you are separated and living apart? If so, you can go for an injunction against harassment. It is basically a "restraining" order for their mouth or any harassment. If you can lay out the reasons you need it clearly they will usually issue it, but your husband will have the right to dispute it in front of a judge a few weeks later. Then the judge's final ruling will decide if it should remain in effect or be thrown out.
  • you can get an anti harassment order against anyone. if you live together, he will have to leave the home to adhere to the court order.
  • I agree with the answers previously, but I wanted to add in one thing... find a therapist you trust! Being mentally abused is often as torturous as being physically abuses, since this type of abuse leaves scars you can't see, and are very hard to treat. Being able to talk to someone that you trust is extremely helpful in dealing with it. You can call 211 to find someone you can talk to.
  • I didn't know you could do that. My wife is mentally abusive. She nags me to no end. Looking for the local police number now.
  • You must go to local courthouse and file a pfa,protection from abuse.
  • Sure, go ahead.
  • You can file for a no abuse order, which is different from a restraining order in that you can openly have contact. The thing is, they don't hand them out like candy, and you should try to resolve it before inviting the court into your home. Perhaps try a counselor.
  • I would hope you could. +5
  • Only if you do not live in the same house. It is not reasonable to issue a restraining order for people living together.

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