• Cholesterol is an important nutrient for cell building and in the creation of some hormones. Your liver typically produces enough cholesterol on its own to supply your body's cholesterol needs, so getting cholesterol from additional sources can lead to high total cholesterol.


    Total cholesterol levels higher than 200 mg/dL are considered borderline high by the American Heart Association. Total cholesterol levels higher than 240 mg/dL are considered dangerously high.


    Certain lifestyle behaviors increase your total cholesterol level. Being overweight, not getting enough exercise, smoking and eating foods high in cholesterol or trans fats can increase blood cholesterol.


    By changing these behaviors, you can improve your total blood cholesterol. Getting regular exercise, stopping smoking and limiting your intake of foods derived from animals (meats, eggs, milk) and high fat foods (baked goods, fried foods) may significantly lower your total cholesterol.


    Increasing your total HDL, a form of "good" cholesterol found in foods like fatty fish, olive oil and nuts, increases your total cholesterol level but improves your overall cholesterol profile by balancing out more negative cholesterol. HDL helps keep your arteries clear; other forms of cholesterol tend to plug them.

    Expert Insight

    Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise five times a week and limiting your total daily cholesterol intake to 300 mg can help control your total cholesterol, according to the American Heart Association.



    High Blood Cholesterol

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