• I have seen it as both
  • Its plagiarism, ie: stealing. It is also a sign of a lack of creativity and a lack of the hard work it takes to learn to read and write music, music theory, composition and playing an instrument or several instruments. Because the sampler is too lazy to do the work involved, they just steal the time and talents of someone who did do the work involved. Someone who buys the "music" of the sampler is contributing to their theft, and what does that make them?
  • In are cases they do improve on it..Yes, rare. But I would tend to believe lack of creativity.
  • Usually it shows a lack of creativity at best. More often than not it's just plagiarism. Occasionally though an artist will use another's work to enhance their own creativity and the sampled work will make theirs better. In most of the music industry of today, if one were to remove the sampled work for a 'new' song, there wouldn't be a new song at all.
  • It depends on the artist. Some artists may be asked to cover classics just because the company wants to make money. For example, Britney Spears. There are times when the cover can be great! It really is a hit or miss though. +4
  • Both. . Though I'd say it's mostly lack of creativity. . Though sometimes it's a good way to revive an old song that nobody from the younger generations would listen to otherwise.
  • EDM samples lots of music the DJs are true artist. It's not even an homage, the baseline is the same but what they do to it is a new creation. Many artist, I'll use Spears as a popular example, have re-mixes of thier music for radio, for clubs, it's an entirely different song. I'm trying to think of an analogy to the sampling of music, maybe home decorating where the structure is the same but look totally different or writing fanfiction the basic characters are the same but the story and theme can change or fashion, the dress and suit can be the same but it depends on who and how he wears it. terrible examples, it just doesn't translate
  • Well, is definitely not a lack of creativity unless if they copy the whole song verbatimly with somewhat the same beat or melody. I consider it the highest form of homage through music.
  • There are some rare exceptions where the sampling or cover is actually better than the original...but on the whole it's a deplorable lack of creativity.
  • If it was my hit and I wrote it, I would prefer to see it as an homage. If another artist recorded my song I would think it was great!

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