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Being to needy.
Trust to early
not being honest to themselves and each other.
Jumping into a relationship with someone before they get to know them.
On both sides, there is always too much assuming, and too little asking. It's a terrible habit, and a common one too.
Thinking they can change the other person.
Speaking just from the outside looking in, it seems that all too often one or the other goes into it with the idea they can change or modify the other person.
lying right from the begining,, trying to change the other person,, there are so many things alot of ppl make mistakes with when they get into a relationship!
Pretending that you are doing it for them and really doing it for you. It is too easy to fool yourself into thinking that "yeah, I care for the other" when you really only care for your own needs.
i'm starting to think it's letting the little things that aren't important get to the heart of the relationship destroying the love that once was there.
entering into it in the first place +5
Not trusting each other..:)
lying and cheating. :-)
Playing games, putting on a front, or trying to make them jelouse... all of them are futile.
Thinking that you can (or should) change the other person, to please yourself. Not being able to control your anger or immaturity when there is a conflict. Mentioning negative past actions (previous relationships, for eg.)
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