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  • It can.
  • If you're talking about from a break-up, then yes. May not seem like it at the time but when you find acceptance and love from the right person, that rejection will seem like a distant memory.
  • Yes! when you stop caring. No more hurting
  • Eventually it does. You wake up one day and realize that the person who rejected you is a loser who wasn't worthy of you love anyway and you move on to something much better.
  • Well in my case or situation or in my perspective it can,or it will over some time or over several period of it(time) try to be or become,look for something positive.
  • Yes ... time is the only medicine and cure ... Later when you have found better, you will hold smile at those wasted moments of angst for the one who was not the one. ;)) Peace
  • Embrace rejection. If your not getting rejected your not trying. Hang in there it will stop hurting when you finally succeed. Think of each rejection as a step closer to getting what you want.
  • It does, you just need to realize that as not everybody thinks the same way, not everybody feels the same way. When someone is rejecting you, see it as a rejection to a characteristic, a trait, or an impresion. And, that YOU are more than that. You are a whole individual, with a worthiness above the norrow minded person that tries to hurt, underestimates, or misunderstands, you.
  • Rejection, meaning people NOT asking you out, or not accepting your request? Yes. Especially when you gain a good dose of self-esteem and self-confidence. Rejection, meaning someone you were dating no longer wishes to? Yes. With time and experience it doesn't hurt as much. Again, consider that the problem was NOT with YOU, but with THEM. When you can say, "Their loss", it may still cause a pang, but not the "constant" pain of first breaking up. BTW: If you're speaking of the latter, see for a lot more help. It may also help with the former.
  • i always do the rejecting, hmmmm and it hurts even then... but sure we all heal from whatever time is a balm to the soul.
  • YES, when you start believing in yourself..:)
  • for me its the wondering forever if you were in love or what you could have been. time doesnt fix that it makes it worse. better to just try to get back to life. I hear that humans have this funky quark that if they are ignored they get addicted to attempts at attention getting, perhaps you improperly baited your trap. try again when the dust clears, but dont be a stalker.
  • I love it atleast i know where i stand.
  • Sure, especially when you learn what a loser the other person was. Now, if the rejector was wonderful, it's going to take a little longer. +5
  • this would pester you overtime since it will mess you up yer head but if you managed to get through then you are ten fold tougher after it... its not a bad thing what hurts you before makes you better
  • Yes but you shouldn't even think of it as rejection. Some people like chocolate and some like vanilla. Opinions and personal choices thats all. You are just great the way you are. Keep sampling those flavors....
  • I didn't realize it was a hammer
  • im going through the same thing. i just found out she's already kinda seeing a new guy, it hurts so friken much.
  • Lots of good answers. Consider professional help. Keep doing the things you would normally do, without the other person, EVEN IF you don't feel like it. I remember the pain, not so far gone. I went to work but I didn't want to. I exercised and the deep down pain was there. I knew that what I was doing was good but I didn't want to do it. I watched movies. Nothing depressing. Comedies are best. Read books, Nothing heavy. Got out of the house (hiking, bike riding). Get outside often even if you don't feel like it. Sorry for going on..The hurting does subside over time. Thank you for your question. O ithinkthatsahug
  • When You laugh it out. :)
  • For me, only another could cure that pain. I'm still waiting for them to show up.
  • Yes it does and talking about it will help sweet grace, the worse thing for me was that when I was rejected and could never find out why, yet she wanted to stay friends I had to tell her to leave me alone because it was still hurting. I got over her soon enough still cant understand why but then again I don't no why we are on this earth, and neither does any one , but I know what it is like to be loved now.
  • it goes away quite slowly. it's better when I do things that get me to not think about it.
  • It will if you let it. When someone rejects you, you have to try and not take it personally. For all you know it could be because he's gay right? It's usually easier said than done but you have to try and let it go and not let it change who you are.
  • It does, But we all got to deal with it including myself. take care.
  • Once it's happened 30 times or so you develop a skin. Rejection, like failure, is very good for your character. Eventually you will lose your ego, and realise that there are loads of different people in the world, and you will, if you keep trying, find the right fit. Like the right job (or jobs).
  • That depends on how strong a person you are. In any case it does take a period of time.
  • Don't know... still waiting.
  • nobody likes being rejected it hurts like hell its a blow to a persons self worth
  • no, only the way you deal with rejection changes. to thicken your skin you must face alot of rejection and get some acceptance, i'm sorry to say that doesn't go well because most people take the first acceptance and run with it.
  • Depends on the person and how he/she percieves and deals with it. Every rejection stop hurting within a certain amount of time after occuring depending on that.
  • No, it wanes.
  • only when you dont give a shit
  • Nobody likes rejection. The best of us learn from each rejection and move on, instead of dwelling on the pain. Lean and move on. All you can do. Do better next time.
  • When you realize like I did the people who rejected me were so wrong for me anyhow.. Most having drug or alcohol problems usually hidden, Or just wanted to be financially supported etc. It can make you fearful of more rejection yes, But on the other hand happy you didn't spend 10 years with someone you'd just grow to dislike anyhow. Esp when you get older and your tired of everything such as trying to make something work that's just not meant to be, It's draining and I surely don't miss that stuff.
  • It's funny that you should say that. Recently I have been applying for jobs that I know that I'll be rejected for just so that I get used to dealing with it. I'm thinking that one just might land...LOL
  • It's the gift that keeps on giving.
  • When you stop getting rejected:)
  • I've learned not to give a shit.....seems to work.
  • Probably not. But it can be more quickly overcome with experience.
  • Nope. The pain of rejection stays.. Howeer, when you do finally beat the pain of rejcetion (not easy to do) you become VERY strong. Then the difficult part becomes being able to commit... The important part is being able to move on but it can be done.
  • not completely. it goes away when you've had enough time to heal, or when you meet someone better. but when you feel like shit sometimes it comes back outta no where.
  • Yes, when you realize its just one opinion and that our future is full of rejection in one shape, way or form and that no one goes through life without being rejected. I haven't met a human yet who accepts everyone they meet. It is just the way life is and you have to learn to move on and if possible learn from it.
  • Yes it does in the end. There is always a reason and you just have to realise why, and then see why it's better this way. Best of luck! +5
  • Yes, but it sometimes takes quite awhile.
  • It takes time and knowledge that the person that rejected you probaby did not appreciate you to begin with. Their loss, not yours.

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