Cold weather.
neighbors talking loud in the halls, it slows me down when im doing stuff cause i cant concentrate
Speed bumps.
My ankles. They've been broken and now I have DJD (degenerative joint disease) in them.
Rick MyresOh that's gotta hurt.
Linda JoySometimes with every step I take, other times the other pains take precedence! Hahaha some days are better than others though. I know you understand.
when im home and people in my apt building are making too much noise and i cant focus on what im doing, that slows me down
Rick Myres
So you need to stop to think too? I have that now and again. -
Linda Joy
I usually just turn up the radio. It only upsets me if they're fighting.
Palpitations and neurological does that for me. But life is still fun.
Snow, Ice, Dreary Days and nights, No radio in my vehicle to listen to my favorite station.
Heat with high humidity
Linda Joy
That sounds like summer in Alabama!
People who like to go into great detail about things that don't require all that detail. They seem to just like to hear themselves talk and I lose patience,
Physics and law enforcement.
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