Yep I would. Maybe this time somebody will want me longer than 7 months.
After being divorced for over 7 years I have been swaring that I would never remarry again... but I'm starting to reconsider that thought, not that I have a candidate in mind yet, but this time it would be going into the marriage differently than the first one...
No. I am too set in my ways. I wouldn't want to go through the whole compromise/how to split the medicine cabinet thing again.
Lord, I really don't know for sure. But I seriously doubt it.
I'll Never say Never,,,SSOOOO Maybe,,NO Hurry ;)
Unlikely, but not impossible.
Haven't so far, and trying not to
Maybe. I would see marriage differently next time through. I was pretty naive when I married. I don't see the ring/marriage as important. What's more important to me is the health of the relationship. Sometimes I wonder if getting married tends to make people more comfortable about getting sloppy and we take eachother for granted when we feel the other person isn't going to leave us. I might get married again but it's something that would come with a long track record of a healthy relationship. Life is too short, Loggy.
hell yes.
I hope that if I ever end up having a divorce, I would not remarry unless I was a widow...
Never, never ever again, but i said that after my first divorce too.
I did... twice... and I won't again.
Yes I would. I think that marriage is a wonderful thing. This time it would have to be a forever thing. I'm not going thru another divorce.
I would like to. I really enjoy being married.
Ive been separated for 6 years and I STILL do not want to marry again. I'll live in sin thank you very much *sharp intake of breath*!!
I love being married but I love being married to whom I'm married to, so....I'm not sure and I pray I never have to find out.
No way...I'm living with someone now..He asked me to marry him last Thanksgiving...I didnt say yes and I diodnt say no...All I could say...We don't have to rush this do we??? He didnt know what to say. He told his family that we were getting married this summer...I DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT ! Been married for 17 years...single now for 7. I learned the hard way.... IT"S CHEAPER TO CALL A TAXI THAN A LAWYER !
No - my husband is the last man in my life!
If my husband were to die and I was then single, I would probably remarry. They say that those who have had the happiest marriages are the most likely to remarry if their spouse dies.
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