I've seen kittens born many times. +5
Yeah I've seen kittens being born
Yes, I have seen kittens being born. The mama cat jumped like three feet in the air and the first kitten landed on our carpet. This scared the **** out of me. I ran to pick up the kitten to make sure it was okay. She was. I named her Cuddles. She was grey and had the longest legs ever. Mama cat had 3 more. Muddles, Puddles and John. I called my Mom for help right after Cuddles was born, because she knows about veterinary care. I will never forget them. ♥
Yes, I've seen kittens being born.
Seen kittens born tons of times. I've seen lots of other animals born, but not in person.
Saw calf born but the heifer(her first calf) was scared of it when it tried to get up so we had to confine her in a small space,Tie her front leg up to let it suckle. once it did, she was fine. Saw kittens born too. mum was fine with them straight away.
Yes, and I've even midwifed a litter of puppies!
I saw a woman giving birth in health class. I hated the teacher forever after I saw that.
When I was fourteen I helped my school pal on his dads farm to turn a lamb inside its mothers womb because its feet were stuck.Unfortunately the lamb was still born.
many litters of kittens, I've helped whelp puppies, when i worked for a vet clinic, I helped with newborn pups born from c-sections, seen bunnies born, seen calves born, seen foals born, seen chicks hatch, seen goat kids born and sheep too.
You bet! Lots of kittens and puppies, since I am a breeder. I've also seen calves, foals and goats being born, and have assisted the mother in many births. +5
Yes Puppies and Foals, Lambs and a Calf.
i've seen kittens and puppies and a calf born, and watched chicks hatch. and i witnessed the birth of my best friends baby, when she had her at home, with a midwife. amazing...
I've seen kittens a few times.
I have seen kittens being born many times. I have also seen guinea pigs give birth.
All kinds of critters. One uncle had a ranch and another has a farm.
I have seen kittens, puppies, foals and also a baby being born.
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