• For me sex would always bring it on. +5
  • You know, I haven't a clue how it works, maybe it's a mind thing, but it's true. I would take a hot bath and soak for awhile and by the next day or so I would get my period. Also I know this for a fact that if you are hanging around someone who has their period you will also get it. It seems that you sort of change your cycle and both get on the same cycle. All of this is undocumented, but I have been around many of moons and have had my period for many, many years and I have found this to be true.
  • Sex. . . . .brings it on faster! Never heard of the "bath" thingy!
  • I have never heard of the bath thing mine comes when its ready and not before lol
  • I have never hear dof that and how no idea how that would work, since water seems to keep it in... maybe it would stimulate your uterus or something? Sex tends to bring it on, and parsley (lots of it) is known for making you start early, as well.

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