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  • they dont usually leave the wife. in most cases, they promise to leave the wife, but I think its only like 10% (or some very low number) that actually do, or even think about actually doing it. There is also an EXCEPTIONALLY low number of men who cheat and actually stay with the mistress after the divorce. Once he divorces, they almost always dump the mistress for something new.
  • The answer to all of these questions is no. No the married man will not leave his wife for the other woman because he has the best of both worlds. He has a woman at home for him and a woman available to him when his wife is out is unavailable. A man who has vested his time in anniversaries and birthdays just made his cave a home and it is doubtful that he will leave that place of comfort and memories to create new ones. Generallly speaking, a man do not have the patience to start a new a relationship that may end up the same as the first.
  • my friend did he was with his wife for 20 yrs her weight over the years ballooned to 250 lbs and she started to get real possessive and jealous over a lack of self esteem and he left her for a woman half her weight and almost half her age and they been together for 4yrs now much to my surprise i though she was just a home wrecker but she really loves him go figure
  • Only because he may have to pay alimony which most men and the Mistress begrudge the wife having. Even if she has helped him pay his way through College and given up her life to look after the children, the mistress will always begrudge the money and will make him nasty about it too. Keeping two homes going is not easy that is why he will regret not for the hurt and betrayal
  • The grass is sometimes is greener on the other side.

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