• I have lived with 2... bloody nightmare ;) Although I don't think that is due to them being gemini!
  • my mom is a gemini/tarus cusp very controlling, one girlfriend was and she was a controller and a wack job I could not trust +5
  • Actually I don't believe in what those signs say!
  • I find they are the sorts of people I would want to take for a night out and a laugh with. They are funny, witty and eternally optimistic and brilliant at cheering people up and they insist on people around them being happy and in a good mood. They are very driven with an inspirational passion for life and zeal and determination and they have a great passion for understanding people. Their only weakness is they can be so determined they can sometimes lack some mental disapline to be temperant and not to do certain things. They can be childish and they can also do too many things at once and be a jack of all trades without being brilliant at any of them. However they never stop trying. They tend to have simple uncomplicated personalities and they are not devious and do not try to cheat on people like some people think. Gemini is open about her two sided nature and embraces it.
  • As Gemini man, I find that I get along with Gemini women right from the gate. We have a strong attraction to each other and not necessarily in a sexual content. Just a spiritual connection and our vibes and chemistry are really powerful and strong. The scary part is most I have deal with are just like me in so many ways. It's both good and bad. But Gemini women ROCK!!!
  • They make the most perfect partners..! Never a dull moment with them (they switch personalities in a flash - keeps you on your toes) (PS: I'm a capricorn, slow but sure..!)
  • I don't like them.

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