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  • We get aroused by Visuals, Thoughts, Imagination and then we feel Clit get hard and we get wet inside. We rub or put clit between fingers and go up and down[every girl has there own technique]. We can also do vaginal[inside] with a vibrator. Sometimes we do both at the same time.Also playing with our breasts arouses us because it feels so good.
  • I usually read a romance story which starts getting me hot down there. What does it feel like, it hard to put into words. I feel a warming tingling sensation in my vagina. I start to rub circular motion around my clit and then up and down between my lips. I play with my lips as I get wetter and wetter. As it starts to really feel good I will insert my middle finger inside my vagina. I have learned if I curve my finger up and massage inside me pushing up to my pelvic bone there is a spot that feels really great. As I continue rubbing inside the palm of my hand also massages my clit. With my other hand I am now playing with my nipple. It does not take long after that I am moaning with pleasure. Another great way I masturbate is with my removable shower head and use the pulsating water to massage my clit. It is a good way to masturbate also. I hope this helps sweetie.
  • rub your top of vagina with your middle finger and go faster and faster.I usually do it infront of a mirror . it's wonderfull!!!!!! and click on female masturbation techniques.
  • See, im 23 and my sister asked me this and in shock and loss for words I told her all I knew about the subject and I told her as well to go to But there are plenty of things to use and do for your masturbating.

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