• People have a right to hold whatever views they want. I differentiate between holding an opinion and acting on it. People need to behave within the law. If they do that, I don't care if they think green spotted Martians are superior to three breasted Klingons. What I think is sad is when it is passed onto children before the child is old enough to examine the idea critically and knowingly chose whether or not to adopt it.
  • NO - rights come with responsibility. Responsible people are always trying to help people overcome obsticles. Racists caus obsticles - and someday will cause rights to be removed.
  • Of course they do...and me, have a right NOT to want to associate with people who feel THAT WAY!
  • People show their ignorance in any field they choose, that does not mean they have a right to be rude offensive or racialist. if they feel that way they should keep their feelings to themselves Nobody can stipulate how they must feel, but the way they behave is a different matter
  • Not if they hold public office. They should promote the interests of all.
  • Yes, they do. I was in Sociology Class and believe it or not, Everyone is racist. You may be racist and not express it. We watched a whole show on Opera Are you racist? As long as they don't express it in words then it's okay.
  • I guess they have the right to do anything as long as they harm no one else. If we all just let them do their thing and gave them no notice, they would lose all their power. Without anyone to fight with, they have nothing to do but talk amongst themselves.
  • Yes, just like you have the right to dislike them.
  • No one can remove thoughs from a person, anyone can think anything they want.
  • Sure do, im an equal opportunity racist, I hate everybody equally... but mostly more more racist against conceded hipocrites and trollers.
  • NO and NO again --- It is so time to let go of the past - I was abused ,others were treated bad because of race - creed - or color -- It's time to throw up our hands and Wrap them around your neighbor and HUG YOUR NEIGHBOR - We're all on God's Green Earth for the same REASON -- And that is to Love ,Help and Guide One Another as we pass through this life -
  • How come as a representative of the white Americans I've seen more white people slip and a whole heck of a lot of black American's rise. I have no basis for racism. Closed mindedness, closes the minds ability to develop apparently. I never judge someone by the color of their skin, but by the quality of their character. That's why America will always be the greatest country. We are so diverse and from so many that we have overcome all the petty issues that most of stratified society of other nations can't understand. Like said Whitney Houston sung: 'We are the World'

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