• Yeah, I did. It was quite amusing really, and I felt rather priviliged. It was this guy(?) who claimed to be a vet, seemingly created an account for the sole purpose of having a go at me. He left answers attacking my questions, left snide comments, down rated me etc. At the time, Lady Fuschia had just got rid of her stalker, and another AB female had one too. It just seemed someone was attacking AB's (then) most prominent females. I just posted a link about it in the blog, of which a somewhat heated debate developed, but the user went away, and his more offensive posts were removed or edited.
  • I have had a few of them. Most of the time the problem just goes away, but if it persists please send me a link to their profile and leave a comment to Joel so he can disable their account.
  • I have a few stalker trolls, but poor little slimy devils have to get their enjoyment somewhere and somehow I suppose. They are too ignorant to answer questions so they just follow people around downrating them
  • Yes, I have had at least half a dozen of those. I still try to figure out which ones were just puppet accounts for the same user.
  • Which is amazing. Just remember the person during your prayer: 1.God give this person a life 2.God give this person real life and person of interest.
  • lmao...OH just ran through just about every post I had and down rated me across the kinda cracks me up....if I was getting paid for my time here, I guess I'd care, but since there isn't a pay check connected with's kinda funny, for the most part. I laugh and once checked to see if they had anything I could "legitimately" down rate, but I liked most of their answers, and questions, so that was a wash for retributions...I can't down rate someone for being an azz!
  • Yes I have. Report it to AB-James or Rich Show him a link that is an example of their harassment in their comments.
  • Thankfully no, every now and then I'll get a few down-rates, but nothing that would constitute stalking. I think I would just report them to admin - if I felt it was personally directed only at me - I would do it through the feedback method rather than the blog, as I would not want the stalker to know I was onto them.
  • Nope, not that I know of...
  • Semi-stalkers, yes.
  • I have had a few trollers, but so far no stalkers... dammit.
  • I don't have one. I think. {looks over shoulder} I don't have one. {looks over shoulder} I think. {looks over shoulder} Thanks for making me paranoid. ^_^ {looks over shoulder}
  • It's you, right?
  • Me. Everywhere I go, there I am. How creepy is that? (In other words, I don't have one).
  • The one who confesses openly to being my stalker is Stableboy! He stalks a few of us. I have no idea what he finds so interesting in my questions and answers though. LOL
  • Some strange guy who just moved into my apartment;)
  • The Norwegian Socialist Slothmister, he seems to find me and harrass me about America and Capitalism, and will include socialism in every question, even one about the world series or baking cookies.
  • He knows who he is...
  • I don't know if I have one. :o( Anyone want to be mine?
  • Dont think i have one
  • I don't have one.
  • Oh.. I have a few but they tire once I change subjects. They seem fueled by certain ones ;)
  • Stableboy. Sometimes though, he gets this weird notion in his head that stalking me should NOT be his full time occupation, and he goes on Zen retreats and sleeps!! He even goes to work -- a regular job I tell you! Can you believe it?! He scores 3/10 for stalking obsessiveness (any decent stalker wouldn't have a life outside of stalking!). 8/10 for consistency, 20/10 for funny and entertaining comments, and 1 bonus point for being my first and only stalker. This gives him an overall score of 8/10. Not bad, could be better ;-)
  • Slothmister, pretty freaky guy (he kinda halfway makes you wish the CIA really was monitoring some of this). Then comes Stableboy, whom I halfass admire because of his earnestness, but then his snotty arrogance gets in the way. The other creepy one is neetmeet or leetmeet or something like that. One thing I notice about these guys, they are more likely to confine themselves to just making comments rather than answers.
  • This hidden camera photo reveals my true AB stalker.
  • Every Socialist/Communist/Nazi/Extremist Liberal/America Hater/Buttwipe on the planet Earth seems to have their sights on me. I love it.
  • only anim3
  • Other than one person who keeps making new profiles to downrate one particular question by 1 point at a time, no. Could I have one please?
  • I'm not that interesting.
  • Not that i know of but if i do its ok you can tell me who you are.lmao
  • hmmmmm don't think i do.... and not intentionaly stalking anyone... if so hey, tal kto me! and if i am stalking ya, sorry, nothing planned...
  • Yes and hes annoying -_-
  • I have several positrollers but no negative stalker.
  • not that i know, is not like i'm interesting enough to have a stalker lol
  • Why, has one become available???
  • I don't think anyone would want to be my stalker.
  • I don't think anyone would care to stalk me.
  • I don't think so. Do you?
  • I watch a few user's because they are so funny and smart,It is an admiration. I don't really have it in me to care what negative people do.I try, but I just can't bring myself to care. They are welcome to follow me around, maybe they might lose the bad attitude!LOL
  • Not yet.
  • No but how do I get one? lol
  • I am not interesting enough to have an AB Stalker. I have gotten a few AB related hate e-mails, but nothing constant or recent. I cannot say the same for non-AB stalkers. Perhaps it's just me, but the real life ones are much scarier.
  • I think I just acquired one today, actually. Someone gave me -5 on my last three answers. My answers were not offensive and they were clear and precise. I have an idea of who it might be (someone who on one of the answers seems paranoid about being downrated - it wasn't by me, though) and I find it quite offensive and don't understand how someone can be so petty. Now I'll just have to watch this space...
  • I have a DR stalker that DR's my each of my answers at least 2 times (2 pts and then 1 pt) but never comments. I wouldn't mind having a stalker that at least has the guts to comment. The only thing I know about my DR'ing troll is that s/he is either a pro domestic violence person or a man-hating feminist - or a combination of the two. It all started when I asked a question about whether a man should accept domestically violence from his wife. A few people felt that I should men should live with being abused. When I said that I shouldn't have to, the DR trolling started and hasn't stopped.
  • Oh yes. The wonderful Ann C has harrased me and two of my friends on here for three years! And not just here on AB but also on yahoo answers, via email, and even has obtained me and another AB users phones numbers!
  • Ive had 1 person follow my answers and comments, down rate me on every one and pretty much bitch at me in every one The fabulous COATS sorted out my problem
  • Evidently, someone started tracking me yesterday. A large number of my questions and answers, on a variety of subjects, have been downgraded according to this morning's activity report. I's sure that the person has some sort of philosophical objection to me. I am progressive and believe in women's rights, don't care much for religion, and my humor is a little sarcastic. Negative ratings from conservatives are perfectly acceptable. The cowardliness of doing it anonymously should be discouraged. It is kind of like a drive by shooting. It's funny AB finally starts working correctly after a couple weeks of quirky behavior and now I have an idiot cyber-stalker. Maybe I'll try for the lowest score ever recorded in AB. Most likely the person is a right wing illiterate conservative. I'm suprised the person was able to learn how to use a computer to get on the internet. He or she probably have their trained monkey do the actual downgrading.
  • Nah they don't mess with me.
  • There are plenty of sickos everywhere and AB is no exception. By not looking back over answer and ignoring ALL comments, I take problems of any such potential problems
  • Yep..reported it to AB. Stalker PB'd. I think she's gone. Good! :)

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