• Yeah that is a good question because the porn industry has alot of customers and atheists only make up like 2.32% of the worlds population and 4% of the United States population according to the CIA 1.WORLD: factbook 2. U.S.: So the question is who is buying the porn? We can't keep a business thriving on atheists alone. It must be some religious individuals.
  • Well, the flippant answer is that as the biggest sinners turn to religion for salvation, there are more porn customers in the congregation of churches than outside the church. However, one could argue in theory that, as the religious preach abstinence from sex before marriage and out of wedlock that they satisfy themselves with pornography. As I don't fall into either category my argument is based purely on deduction rather than experience!
  • Guilt. They buy the porn, enjoy it, feel guilty and throw it out. and this is repeated and repeated and repeated.... The rest of us store it in the bottom dresser draw and pull out an old favorite anytime we wish.
  • I don't know that they are but if they are. Who cares. It proves my point that everyone is capaple of anything and what tyhey profess to BELIEVE won't stop them from their vices and desires. It might cause them to repress them and act out later in a worse manner. Is that PC ewnough?
  • LOL How did you uncover this fact? I've never heard of a porn company asking their customers - What is your religious affiliation?
  • Is this a joke? People lie dude. Figure it out. They believe in money, sex and cheeseburgers, just like every other godless soul.
  • Because they cant have sex if they are not married, so they just masterbate a lot.
  • I know of NO study that would or will support your conclusion that Christians are larger porn customers than atheist .... XCEPT by the fact that there are probably MORE Christians than Atheist ??
  • were are you getting your statistics????
  • Unlike the muslims, who get 72 virgins -- and, I assume, the permission to do with them whatever pleases the newly dead --, christians merely sit at the feet of god and praise him. Gotta have something to praise him FOR, you know.
  • Ive never heard that but maybe there is just more of us than atheists.
  • What are you basing this on?
  • The last research I saw suggested the numbers are about the same.
  • It's naughty cause it is sinful and guilt driven.That is enough to get the blood flowing.
  • I'm agnostic, but I can tell you right now that the "study" they did on porn consumers is biased and inconclusive. They merely displayed a correlation between "red" states and the amount of porn purchased in those states. What if it's a handful of "liberals" purchasing all that porn? What if they didn't survey enough people? Maybe "conservatives" do watch more porn, but that study certainly isn't going to tell you that. It's full of bad research.
  • Hey, the bible says God wants us to be happy!!
  • This is similar to a question asked about whether Christians (and I am one ) think all porn should be outlawed. At the time I saw that question not one person said it should be. I found that fasinating. The person who said Christians buy porn only to feel guilty and end up throwing it out, but later buy it again was correct. I've come to a place of peace with my human nature and realize we have the same cravings as others. We are called to resist this nature as much as possible but in the end we're still only human. I think now that the greater sin is that of wasting the money when you throw it out when you know full well your as attracted to it as anyone else. As a Christian I try to be descrete as the Bible tells us to be when we ultimately fail at perfection.
  • And you know this how? Do porn customers announce that they are Christian or Atheist when purchasing porn? Do they fill out a CIA report before leaving the store? Do they wear a sign around their neck? How on earth do people come up with these statistics?
  • I know of NO Study or Research to bear this out ... What is your source of information ? Thanks ...
  • It's because for some reason they feel that porn is less of a sin than real sex, even though the bible says otherwise. If you're going to "sin sexually", you might as well have real sex. Bye the way, sex is good for your soul. It's also good to be honest with the people you intend to have sex with and not lead them on emotionally.
  • they tend to hide behind religion as a viable excuse for human nature... just a guess, I am not sure that the numbers are acurate.
  • atheists are better at getting theirs in the black market so their use can't be traced like u have so incredibly traced the Christians... what do ya think? pretty good analysis right?
  • maybe the athiest are simply turned off to all the referances to god in the films!lol.
  • Because there are more Christians in our part of the world? If 1% of a million buys porn, and then 99% of 1000 buys porn, then the million guys will have them beat in numbers. But seriously now, we're all mammals. Though shalt not fap to two people doing it is not a commandment.
  • Usually more repressed, of course! ;-)
  • well first i would like to know where you are getting the information, and to answer your question this would be true do to the fact that the devil leads those who belive in jesus as the savior to temptation. those which are closest to Him are the ones that are targeted for the devils deads. and being new christians some if not all give in to temptation at some point or another. atheists don't have as much to wory about because the devil knows that they do not believe in god so he doesn't need to lead them on that path.
  • Atheists get laid more often.
  • Perhaps because there are 4000% more Christians than atheists. (about 2% atheist compared to 80% christian) Now come up with a per capita ratio and you might have a point.
  • And the source of this interesting statistic would be? It sounds like something out of the notoriously flawed Barna Institute study of over a decade ago. Clue: if one includes all self-designated "non-religious" persons (those who checked "No Religion", Non-religious", or "Agnostic" on the surveys) as "atheists", and only count those people who checked they believed in God, the Deity of Christ, the Resurrection, the Atonement, Salvation, and Damnation, and that they attended Church services/functions 1 or more times per week and prayed daily as "Christians", then the percentages shift drastically in the other direction on not only the pornography issue, but on all other axes of moral and societal ills, from violent crime to drug use and pre-marital sex.
  • Porn is addictive to any human. like cigarettes. its something that when it grabs you it is hard to turn from. Only thru sincere repentance and Christs love can immorality truly be overcome. In other words we all human. Being or becoming a Christian doesn't make you perfect instantly its something you develop over time. I myself have struggled with beautiful women in the past. I love God and I want to keep his commandments. more so then i want see some naked chick prance around on a tv.
  • Maybe they are just doing research looking to bust the local porn shop on a technicality? Right.
  • a true Christian will not indulge in pornography (regularly and without guilt and repentance I should add). They might still falter into sin.
  • Just because someone claims to be a christian doesn't mean they are one.Also christians can fall into sin just like anyone else.We still have to live in this flesh.Paul said O wretched man that I am,who shall deliver me from this body of death.The big question is,are they under conviction when they fall into this sin?! corinthians 6:9,10 is palin on those who are identified by their sin,or practise a certain sin.Also read matthew 7:21-23.

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