Probably making an infomercial for fitness equipment.
Probably killing something
If he has any humanity at all, he's sparing the rest of the world by jumping into a volcano.
Playing "Walker" Texas Ranger somewhere.=0]
Probably playing one handed flight commander.
What isn't chuck norris doing right now... !? ahhh these are the questions that haunt me ...!O.O
Trying to sell his exercise thingy.
Chuck Norris is answering every single AB question simultaneously, and is then going to get a Big Mac from Burger King!
Probably napping on the nice Sunday afternoon, which is what I should be doing now!
Visiting his mom!!!
your mom
Probably walking around like he owns the world.
Writing one of his conservative Christian columns.
Chuck Norris right now has painted himself yellow and is hiding in the bananas in the produce section in Kroger's. He's hoping strange people will take him so he can roundhouse them.
Clapping with one hand
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