London! London Rocks. I have been to both places and I must say London takes the cake
New York.
niether, i hate cities
neither - im not a city girl, probably wouldnt last too long! :)
I love the U.S. But I would love to live in London.
I like London. Has a nice feel to it, and I like the fact that it's a multi-cultural city. Never been to New York, although if I get the chance to move in the future to a big city, it will more than likely be between these two places.
I hate them both. They are artificial and overbuilt. But if they were the only two places in the world I'd have to go with NYC since the gay boys there still have all their teeth.
Boy, that's a tough one. They talk funny both places.
never been to either but I would like to visit London someday
London - it is easier to get out of. Within a half hour by train you are in the countryside. It is multi-cultural. You can get the Eurostar to France. And, they speak English
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