• Probably the day that the Declaration of Independence was signed. We learned that from the British Empire and have been hell-bent ever since in imitating them
  • The day somebody died and made the US ruler of the world and, yeah, we should be concentrating on our internal problems first, the FSM knows we've got enough. Look, for example, if we had concentrated on healthcare, the economy, jobs, etc. instead of Iraq and Afghanistan, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in right now
  • Not mean Dubya.
  • No way, our repuation in the world is to help people less fortuniate then ourselves, our country is based on life, liberty, and the persuit of happyness and we share theses beliefs with the world. If we just worried about ourselves who would ever want to help us if we needed it? We police the world because someone has to, plain and simple. you should be proud to be a part of it.
  • America started policing the world after WWI, yet another conflict between the European nations that spilled over and involved a lot of other countries. We formed the League of Nations to try to deal with conflicts in a civil manner. Unfortunately, the League of Nations didn't have an army and that left it powerless to prevent WWII. So at the end of WWII we formed the United Nations and gave it an army, which it refuses to use, leaving it powerless and unable to prevent..... Now nearly everyone has nuclear weapons. So if no one has the stones to step up and try to keep conflicts from growing into wars, we'll all get blown off the face of the earth, not just drawn into the conflict.
  • Every time them damn republicans took office, If they not trying to police the world they are trying to instill fear in everyone.
  • The U.S. assumed the role of world policeman after WW II when it became a military superpower to stem the spread of Communism. A lot of intellectuals at the time, such as Republican Sen. Robert Taft of Ohio, counseled against U.S. globalism, but the internationalist view prevailed. With the downfall of Communism as a threat to our security, international terrorism has become a more dangerous threat to our security and way of life. So the U.S. has to play a very proactive and intelligent role throughout the world to counter the threat. What I disagree with is the policy of nation building, as witnessed by Bush's preemptive war in Iraq to topple Saddam Hussein and establish a stable democracy there. I think that distracted us from the real war on terror that should have been concentrated in Afganistan and Pakistan.

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