• Not sure about the "J" part, but I'm sure they used whatever the equivalent letter was, since the J stands for James. Immanuel means God With Us, a reasonable title for the promised Savior. Jesus is a form of Joshua, and was His name. If a person won't be born for several centuries, you won't know his name yet. You end up using a title instead, in this case, one that describes what He is. If you know a person, or have heard of him from his friends, you are going to use his name. Or if you use a title, it would likely be one that describes what he does, like: the Healer.
  • The leter was invented for a very dark and guided purpose. Jesus is the name of the antichrist. The messiahs name is nothing close to this blasphemous name. All people who are not saved will go through the tribulation and will not buy or sell save he take the mark or the name of this beast.
  • Hi, I know this is an old post but I just stumbled upon it and your question deserves a more complete answer. First, Here is some basic info regarding the emergance of the letter "J" that I pulled from Wikipedia, you can go there for more info: ""J" was originally an alternative version of "i"... In the 16th century, Petrus Ramus was the first to explicitly distinguish I and J as representing separate sounds." So, to answer your first question, the pronunciation of Jesus in the KJV published in the 1803's would be the same as you would say it today. However, it is important to note that, not until the middle of the 17th century did this modern usage of "j" become universal in English books. For example, in the King James Bible of 1611, the words Jesus and judge are invariably Iesus and iudge. As for the name Jesus, it is a combination of the Greek "Iesous" and the Latin version employing the letter J (see attached diagram), but this modern transliteration did not exist until about 500 years ago. A more accurate english transliteration for the Hebrew name his parents gave him, and his disciples would have used, is "Joshua", pronounced in Hebrew as: Ye-ho-shua. (See Matthew 1:24 and the Strongs Concordanance Greek dictionary #2424) I'm not sure I understand your final question, but just as the first answer stated, the name Jesus refers to the person (like Sally or Bill) while the word Immanuel (a transliteration of two Hebrew words meaning: God [is] with us) is more of a prophetic title. Both refer to the same figure. Hope that helps.
  • The name of the Messiah is Yahoshua which means Yah's salvation Yah is the creators name not God(title) lord (title)(also derives from Ba'al Caanite God) Elohim (title for gods, fallen Angels) Adonai (title) Exodus ch 20 Do not take the name of Yah your master to naught (nothing) You are breaking this commandment will you use a title for his name. Psalms ch 68 v 4 Tells you his name it says Jah in KJV but remember there was no letter J until the 14the century and not widely used until 1630. Iesus (Jesus) is adapted from the Greek, which is the masculine form of the Greek goddess of healing.
  • The j sound entered the language long before the letter J was assigned to name it. This is a pretty common thing. The roman emperor Claudius split u into u and v, another case where the pronounciation of a letter had diverged enough to be noticable. And consider the a's in hat and heat, maybe a will be the next letter to split this way.
  • The messiah Yahoshua was and still is a Hebrew Israeite from the tribe of Yahudah (Judah) Matthew Ch 1v2. (His name is very important as you will see) John 3:16 very popular verse but mis understood you must continue to read down to verse 18.he who beleieve in him is not judged, but he who does not believe is judged already because he has not beleieved in the NAME of the only brought forth son of Yah. Yahoshua is his name not Jesus Christ or Ieus Christanos in the Greek. Yah bless all who reads this. more info at

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