I'd never heard they were... when did this happen?
If in a public restroom, yes, possibly. I bleach mine, I live with a man hehe
It would appear not, I've been using them for 48 years and my ass is as healthy as could be.
Yeah, because "Ring around the Hiney" is detrimental to a stripper paying the getting more than singles (1 dollar bills) to pay the rent
They are great, don't get poop on your feet.
they work for me and i've never had a problem with my ass.
That will be as opposed to standing only toilets, I guess?
Of course they are ... duh.
thank goodness we have them ---- standing with my bad legs is not a good option
It feels good to me.
Well I really dont like to Poop Standing up if I can help it.
Particularly when they explode, yes.
Mr Pants doesn't poop (or hasn't yet, at least), because I'm a sock puppet. But as soon as I do have to poop, I will tell you what I think of these "toilet" devices you mention.
Squatting toilets are by far the best. Although in the west most used to chair sitting prefer toilet sitting.
much better than having a hole in the wall that you crap into.
They are better when they have a high cistern and a long chain to flush.
The ones at my school are. They are automatic flush toilets that flush and flush and flush at odd times. Like when you are sitting down. They spray that nasty toilet water and not just a little either. Very disgusting. I asked around and apparently the batteries have to be changed in the toilets or they will continue to flush and flush. Very bad, someone needs to be in charge of the battery department and have a way to account for them being changed routinely. Apart from just being downright nasty I'm sure it costs the school in the form of their water bill.
Toilets sitting down pisses me off. I expect a toilet to stand there, and take it!
4-10-2017 The natural position is a squat, so the toilet should be lower than a normal chair. You can also get a Squatty Potty to raise your feet and give the correct posture. That works.
i dont think so, i always sit down since im a girl
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