• I've studied both. I appreciate Faust, don't get me wrong, but I much prefer the Divine Comedy. That's a work of art, as far as I am concerned.
  • Both are difficult to read, but I've memorized and used Dante my whole life! ;-)
  • Afraid I haven't read Faust but spent 2 years poring over the Divine Comedy for my Italian Masters degree. (Many years ago!)Very very hard work as it is textually incredibly dense (with references etc) and I had to study the politics, philisophy and religious ideas underlying it as well as the history of the period. I think it was very much a text of its time.. commenting on well-known personages and events of the day... and contemporaneous controversies ... and of course Dante's own personal struggles. He was an amazing man ... considering he was writing a good 2 centuries before the flowering of the rinascimento... he was in a class of his own.

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