• Happens all the time in the Religion Section. Mostly it makes me sad. And a little amazed at the blindness of those not called by God.
  • Yes, and funnily enough it was a recent born again Christian who had set new rules for herself and felt everyone who was not born again was not a true Christian. It made me feel angry that someone with such a lack of continuity and really very little background in the church felt she could dictate to everyone else. But in the end, one just has to avoid them and get on with life.
  • Yes I have. As an atheist my beliefs are mocked and ridiculed by all religions. It amuses me that they can't tolerate my beliefs when their religions are supposedly about tolerance and love for their fellow man. Statements like "blindness of those not called by god" actually make me LOL.
  • Yes, but not in the way that is obvious. I was raised in the Christian faith and I became a Christian at a young age, but as I got older I have struggled with my beliefs to a severe degree. I do not believe the Bible is a real tool of faith and being honest about this has caused many people to turn their backs on me, or pity me. This is extremely painful for me, but I have to follow my heart on the matter. I still call myself a Christian for lack of a better 'label'. I constantly seek God, in my way I pray whole heartedly and try to live and love to the fullest. Anyone who knows me, knows that this is very important to me.
  • Yes only here on AB. Out in the real world never. It makes me disappointed that people have to mock and get rude when they talk about religious believes. Of course it did hurt me because I did not expect it. I did do no one of them any harm, I hold nothing against them personally, why react so vehemently about my faith.
  • Yes, I sigh and wonder , when would people be over such things?
  • Yes I did....I hate them because they were stupid..they made fun of me!! What kind of person would do that!! (appearantlly him)
  • It happens to me almost daily. Anything glorifying Jesus is almost sure to get downrated. The thing that really frustrates me is when someone with an IQ of about 80 acts as if I am stupid for believing in God. Some people preach tolerance of everything except Christianity, as if Christians should not have a right to exist.
  • It happens to me all the time here on AB, and I've gotten to the point where I've decided to just accept that. I figure that if some one has a problem with what I believe, then really it's their problem, not mine. I'm not trying to force my beliefs on anyone else, but even the mere mention of Christ's name invites attack from certain individuals. It's best not to internalize these things, really. If somebody is obviously making an effort to upset me, I just decide that I'll pray for them, and move on.
  • yes, i am buddhist and i have been mocked and disparaged for my beliefs. it does not affect my spiritual beliefs, but it does affect my emotions. i was raised in a buddhist and christian household, and i found some of the worst intolerance amongst the members of a southern baptist church my father and i attended. they seemed to enjoy reminding my father that my mother was going to hell and saying malicious things like why would he want to stoop down so low as to want to consort with the likes of that? that was extremely hurtful to hear, and i recall wondering why would they would be so hypocritical ~ isnt it gods message to love thy neighbor as thyself? and why did i have to keep going to that awful church? thankfully, i attended many other wonderful christian church services in later years where i performed organ, and this was definitely not the attitude. i realized in retrospect that this experience served a purpose ~ it was a valuable lesson in tolerance. i am usually shocked and amazed initially by intolerance. i naturally feel hurt that someone could be so cruel and disrespectful. but upon meditation and sending positive energy their way, i feel only great compassion for them. i understand that someone who attacks another does so out of suffering and alienation. the people that mock do not have a deep inner wellspring of spirituality to draw from and connect them to their fellow man. they choose intolerance over love and respect because they do not feel loved. i always speak out when someone is practicing intolerance ~ i never ignore bad behavior. if you say nothing and do nothing, that person will most likely repeat that bad behavior. in extreme circumstances of hatred i hold the mirror up in front of them in my efforts to fight back intolerance. but it doesnt always work. but compassion does.
  • Yes. I feel irritated by the intolerance, since I give my tolerance freely without mocking or judging. If I'm wrong in my open beliefs, I hurt no one but myself. But those who mock and judge others are far more damaging to mankind.
  • No, but I did mock someone else's lack of faith when I was younger and did have a faith and a creed. As I have grown better informed and reasonable, first I dumped all dogma, faith or creed and have never mocked anyone's beliefs again.
  • I've been mocked for spirituality. My family does, ex friends have, Y/A did, and so has AB. I think the part that hurt the worst is when I shared my story, and was told "It's no big deal, at least I haven't been killed for what I believe"
  • This is the only place I get attacked/mocked for my faith. It's so sad because it's the very people who so want to be accepted for their beliefs who seem to be the most judgmental and intolerant. I usually just pray for them and hope that someday their hearts will be open to those who are different than they are.
  • I have experience religious persecution for many years. All that you can do is pray for them.
  • All the time, all three. I've had to deal with it since I was a child and as an adult. And often it comes when you least expect it, or where you least expect it, like a parent:-(
  • Absolutely. What I find most distressing are those who claim to be Christian (or whatever their faith my be) and then use the religion to pass judgment on others and justify their bigotry. That's something that's quite rampant here on AB and on a lot of other sites. I've been told that I can't possibly be Christian because I'm lesbian, when I, and many other LGBT people I know are quite spiritual and regularly attend open, accepting churches. I was raised being told that God created and loves us all. And I believe He loves me just the way He created me.
  • only on answerbag
  • of course! that's what people do when they don't understand faith or have had a bad experience with church or religious people. my foster dad, a self-ascribed know-it-all made it his mission in life to destroy my faith for 9 years, which only made me cling more closely to it.
  • I usually feel that they have bad manners.
  • I've never run into it much until I got to AB. It used to upset me but I've grown accustomed to it now. There's certainly much time spent mocking other people's faith, religion and/or spirituality.
  • yes, it happens often. It doesnt faze me. Everyone has their own individual path that they are on, for their own reason, Im not necessarily right, neither are they. My choice is right for me, I see the same for other people, I suspect all paths lead to the same point somehwere down the track ! :)
  • First of all what faith are you referring to? Are you Christian? If so, I can comment further.
  • Curious to find out if their opinions held any water? ;-)
  • Happens to me all the time. I'm an atheist and they think that means I'm not a spiritual person. It doesn't make me feel anything. I don't need others to understand or to recognise my beliefs. They belong to me.
  • No, never. Maybe that is because it is a very private matter and I don't talk about it. The same is true of my sexual orientation. It is very private and I simply don't think it is something I need to speak up and out about. :) I never challenge others about their religious beliefs, as I believe all religions are equally good/right/true..maybe that's why. I don't think my belief will get me to heaven any more surely than anyone else's. I also don't think my lifestyle makes me a better or worse person than anyone else either. So I'm not confrontational about it and I don't try to convert/proselytize or preach...nor do I judge. :)
  • I used to get made fun of for being a Catholic in elementary school I was the only one, and I don't think I really have to explain how that felt.
  • When you meet a lot of skeptics in your life and faith bashers,anyone would get turned off but that's where the fun begins.Rick you know the story of the fern and the bamboo!A man planted both of them and he had to wait for a very short time to see the fern grow but the bamboo never even showed up at all for five whole years.Then one day the bamboo showed a small growth and after many years it grew the tallest. Faith is like that.It takes time to flower and then it grows the tallest, so I have patience and I persevere with all my students!
  • Yes, it has happened to me quite a bit. I belong to a religion that tends to get if from all sides. We even have a section here on AB that is specifically dedicated to us and our beliefs. All you have to do is go to that section to see the absolute contempt and vitriol that get aimed at us by others. It makes me frustrated and sad that people spend so much time hating people who are just trying to do what they think is right.
  • I had someone call me the devil because i dont believe in god. And it made me feel great...because i know that he will never be able to see past his own eyes
  • It happens all the time and the sad truth is...I've almost become numb to it! Most people will criticize that which they don't only hope is that their hearts may be opened to acceptance and understanding...even if they do not believe!
  • It pisses me off!
  • Yes. It bothers me a tiny bit on the inside, but I don't let it show. I'm the happiest man in the world. A few days ago an acquaintance of mine was rubbing in my face how great it is to have sex. (I'm still a virgin.) Other similar attempts have been made to try to prove that I'm not as happy as they are. I strongly believe it's envy. They don't understand how a Christian can be happy without lying, cheating, stealing, fornicating, etc. I can see in their faces how disappointed they are when I don't want what they have.
  • yes, definitely. pantheism is very misunderstood.

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