• I thought that was name as Star Wars 4?
  • The first three Released. "Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope" (1977) "Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back" (1980) "Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) so...Yes.
  • No, just “Star Wars” I don’t recall “Episode IV” either. “A New Hope” was added in the later re-release to be consistent with the title crawl in “The Empire Strikes Back”. It may have been in George Lucas' outline but it was not on the title page of the screen play. PS. "Return of the Jedi" was filmed with a working title "Revenge of the Jedi" at the suggestion of the studio, but George did not like it. Jedi don't take revenge.
  • No. Just "Star Wars". The rest of the title was added later. --- Edit: Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, originally released as Star Wars, is a 1977 science fantasy film written and directed by George Lucas.
  • It was just Star Wars, but it was always known to be the fourth episode.
  • yep,it was
  • No. My mom has an original VHS copy of the movie, only entitled "Star Wars".
  • nope, just "star wars".
  • No. I remember when it first came out in 1977, I was in College, and I remember that it was just "Star Wars". There was no "Episode IV - A New Hope" attached to it. They had no idea what a mega blockbuster they had in their hands. That's when they decided to write "prequels", so the first one became the fourth one.... Just part of the "milking the cash cow" process....

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