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  • Generally, STDs are not passed by coming in contact with a toilet seat. Most STDs are only transmitted during sexual contact, either by skin-to-skin contact or through body fluid exchange. Crabs, or pubic lice, may be transmitted through sexual contact, sleeping in infected bedding, sharing infected clothing **and possibly** through sitting on an infested toilet seat. However, lice cannot survive away from the human body for longer than 24 hours. So contracting pubic lice from a toilet seat is possible, but it's very unlikely. Herpes II and I are viral infections spread through direct skin-to-skin contact and sexual contact (oral, anal or vaginal). The main difference between Herpes I and Herpes II is that the Herpes I virus is usually found in the mouth or facial area and the Herpes II virus is usually found in the genital area. In both locations it causes a painful ulcer which can start out as a fluid-filled blister-like lesion. Some other symptoms of herpes are flu-like symptoms, fatigue, fever or swollen glands. Both Herpes I and Herpes II can cause either genital and/or oral outbreaks. The virus remains dormant in the body for the person's entire life between outbreaks. Oral Herpes (fever blisters, cold sores) usually last at least a week. The fluid they contain has the virus in it and they are contagious as long as there is secretion from the blisters. Kissing, shaking hands and sharing a drinking glass can spread the virus.
  • You cannot get HIV: By working with or being around someone who has HIV. From sweat, spit, tears, clothes, drinking fountains, phones, toilet seats, or through everyday things like sharing a meal. From insect bites or stings. From donating blood. From a closed-mouth kiss (but there is a very small chance of getting it from open-mouthed or "French" kissing with an infected person because of possible blood contact).

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