I would LOVE to ride on an elephant ha!
Majik-1Although not to work, I've ridden an elephant. They move so slow that it could possibly take days to get where you're going.
I would like to ride a tiger. No one would mess with me then.
My g/f's niece said a ostrich.She saw them racing the other night on t.v.
a horse....if i could i would ride a horse everywhere
A race horse,, I usually get there just in time!!!
I always hoped I could ride a Dragon, that would be great!
My horse
I used to ride my horse to work. She was a beautiful arabian.
White tiger
Several things come to mind... White tiger... Lepord... Lion... Dragon... Centaur... The list is endless.
An elephant.
a cheetah
a pony
A Stallion
Mister Ed.
When I was teaching in Gypsum, CO back in the 1970s I had a couple of students that had to ride a horse several miles from their home to catch the school bus. They had a coral and shed for the horses while they were gone to school. They would then ride their horse home. When there was snow, they rode a snowmobile out to the bus stop and kept the snowmobile in the horse shed during the day.
My initial reaction was a horse; however rethinking, I like the idea of a dragon!!!
a horse
a horse
I used to ride a saddle mule that was a lot easier on the back than a horse was, so I say a mule. 7/20/24
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