• Your loss. I prefer to take advantage of my rights while I still have them.
  • You are not voting in the US Elections because you are Canadian? If that is what you mean, I think it makes total sense!
  • It's your choice (and right) not to. May I ask why?
  • Not good....seriously... vote...
  • Great, if you don't want to vote don't vote man. All this stuff about people dying for me so I have the right to vote is like saying if I'm German I should feel bad 'cause Nazi's where born in my country. Got nothing to do with me! You get a bunch of lies served to you glossed over with great presentation and hollywood actors, whats the guy gonna do when he gets in the house? You don't get whats advertised, like a massive bag of kettle chips, its like a quarter full or something! I don't hear anything that directly helps me and my family anyway, unless its stuff you know isn't realistically going to happen.
  • If ur American I believe that's an absolute travesty! Every American needs 2 realize that by electing the president of The United States, they essentialy decide who the most powerful person in the world is going 2 be. And 2 sit back and not put ur say n 2 it and excercise that right is absolutely disgusting. And considering how many young men and women have paid the ultimate sacrifice to give and defend that right 4 u, it makes me feel disgusted because I belive that is the ultimate disgrace. That's how I feel about Americans not voting. And if ur not American, I don't care. And that's how I feel about that
  • I hope not, your not American.
  • I think it's your prerogative. Can't really complain about the outcome if you don't vote.
  • And neither am I!
  • What if that person had dual Canadian/American citizenship, would they be permitted to vote in either nations general election?
  • Um the fact that American men and woman died to give and preserve our right to vote has everything 2 do with Americans voting. And u may not like ne thing that either candidate is saying so u don't care but think about it like this, there's 2 totally different people trying to become president right now, and they are wanting to take America in 2 totally different directions. So u need to step back realize that, and decide which direction u want America to go in. If ur American u already kno those policies they want to implement and chances are uve already made up your mind. As 4 me "grimble." Im voting 4 Barrack Obama. Because I along with the majority of my country do not trust our economy in the hands of a man who just last month was bragging about it saying nothings wrong with it and its making great strides. And who is set on "policing" iraq after we've already set up a government and trained over 400,000 thousand iraqi soldiers 4 them(mccain). Ne ways why im voting 4 Obama is obvious 2 some but has nothing 2 do with this question (u asked so I decided to let u kno). And as 4 how can we talk when we have george bush runnin the world? Well I was only 17 when that man took office 4 the second time. And at that time America didn't kno we were being lied 2. And as 4 what r men and women r fighting for and dying 4 now. They are fighting for The United States of America, and every freedom and right that comes from The United States of America. And every 1 of them is a hero, and just because r leader is questionable and incompetent doesn't make their sacrifices or their families ne less significant than any 1 who has ever fought for America. So 4 every 1 who is eligible, please please please vote! Please just vote! We have the power 2 make it happen! Lets make it happen
  • Good for you. As there really isn't anyone that I would vote for either. And in America's mad rush towards Hell ether of the candidates will be helping Americans to get there sooner or later.
  • I don't blame you!
  • Many people died for your right to vote, and for your right NOT to vote if that's what you want, so its fine, anyway your Canadian and I'm British so we cant even if we want to :-p
  • Neither am I. Now, what do you think about that?
  • If enough people don't vote we may wake up our political parties? But that would take a concerted effort by the majority to not vote, so I don't see it ever happening. If you choose not to use the voice you've been given, that's your right. And don't let anyone tell you otherwise. But you're Canadian, so will you be voting in your next election?
  • Well if you're Canadian you can't vote. XD :p I went for the Canadian elections but spoiled the ballot. It still counts, at least, I hope they didn't take and put it in the Harper box of ass. >_> I don't really go for all that "if you don't vote you can't complain business"...if voting changed anything, it wouldn't even be legal; or this is a phrase said by someone during the elections, anyway, and while I don't believe it entirely, I don't dismiss that it may also be true. :/ But we should remember, for those living in Canada, that people DID die by the hundreds to make sure that Canada can vote. :/
  • You must be a felon.
  • they we don't want to hear any complaining about the new president from you - you will not have a voice
  • I didn't think fish could vote.
  • There's a lot of dead soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines who would be quite sad with your decision.
  • Well, I really don't want to either knowing that nither president is trust worthy. Its like you got to vote for the lesser of the two evils.
  • We each have the right to vote or not to vote. Yes many have died for many causes; but the main point remains they were dieing and fighting for our freedom of choice. FREEDOM not demands!
  • u should vote... for ralph nader
  • I don't think one vote matters, but I don't think it is a good mentality for many people to have.
  • although YOUR vote doesnt "matter", it helps businesses determine what kind of things a town is looking for.
  • DOn't vote...if you don't want to...Just because you have a right or a privilege doesn't mean that you have to exercise it. ANd complain all you want...once again a right and privilege that you can exercise if you want to. I don't vote cause I do not agree with our system of election and how untrustworthy it I do not partake in something that I don't agree with. Do I complain...of course because OUr system needs to be overhauled... nothing is being accomplished in our own country...only how we rate among globalization. It is all bout beating the other party...not about electing the best candidate to be the best leader for our country...only the one person who can beat out the other party's candidate...We have a sick system that is destroying our country... They talk about abortion and gay marriage and terrorist and other B.S. BUt not about how to educate our children or save the family which is the foundation of any civilization. And how to fix our country only to pass new irrelevant laws that band aide fix the country's problems and not actually do anything that moves us forward. They promise all these solutions that never have any potential of fixing anything...and they never say anything that is any different from anything that any other previous candidate has ever said. Because any one that would ever come with anything that would fix anything...they would most likely not be chosen by the party to beat the other party. Obama....he has nothing...he is riding on a novelty...he is no all the republicans could come up with to beat someone that has no ability to lead us....Is any one else concerned about the fact that these two clowns are the best we could come up with!!!!!!!!! No wonder why the rest of the world pokes jest at us with no respect. We live in a sick system. So I choose not to add to it.
  • We need to talk....
  • thats okay with me....its ur choice
  • Me either, we are screwed no matter. They both lie, they both have good and bad points. At this time, a president isn't going to do much for change, our nation is running on auto pilot and the button to turn it off is broke.
  • You have until 6:00 PM, November 4, to change your mind.
  • You're not voting? Please see my answer here, this is what I think -
  • Its been proven that our votes don't count anyway...and the elections are already rigged...early voting has proven that...just like with the scanners in the last election that all came out in GW's favor. This country is ruled by the rich, and the rich will get their way...
  • then don't complain
  • If you were American, would you vote? And if so, who would be your choice?
  • It's your right not to vote. This is the first time I will be voting in my life so I understand.
  • so you don't like the presidential candidates, how about voting for local elections and candidates. Those are the ones that make policies for YOUR city. Vote for your school levy. Vote for that, you may not feel strongly about the Presidential election, but you can make a difference in the the local politics. Besides, local elected officials are the ones that eventually get corrupted and move on up to the top. GO OBAMA!!
  • I never vote.
  • It is your right but to me you have no room to bitvh when shit hits the fan. Or cn take no credit if it gets better
  • i love how everybody says if you dont vote you cant complain but thats bull if you dont pay taxes you cant complain if you dont vote the only thing that means is your less likely to be requested for jury duty
  • If you don't care about yourself, don't believe in your own autonomy or your innate worth, or simply get off on other people telling you what to do, then that's your business.
  • idk how the canadad voting system works apparently its different based of a couple answers of yours i read in this question
  • Then you deserve what you get and should keep your opinion to yourself. If you are not part of the process you doomed to go where it takes you.
  • Speaking personally.My Father always used to say if you didnt didnt have the right to complain.I can agree there.You'll most likely get something you wont like all that much.
  • i agree with if you dont vote you dont have the right to complain. i also feel if you dont vote your not a true american. if you dont care enough about whos running this country to take 15 mins out of your day once every 4 years. how can you say you care about america??
  • Neither am I. The elections are over. Haven't you heard?
  • I support your decision. As an American I can't name one president who is worth any of the glory we give him. Nothing improves radically, it just gets hindered for the benefit of the rich. Voting isn't effective, no matter how many people think it does. Look at the 2009 Iranian election as one example and Florida in 2000 for another. It's not accurate and the candidates have already been prescanned to ensure their obedience to the system. Now we just need to get everyone else on board. +3
  • Voting in elections nowadays is like voting for which side of the toilet your turd is going to float in. I support your decision
  • Not voting for what? I have abstained from voting many times because I did not approve of either party.
  • If you are legally allowed to vote then I think you should vote ... even if you can not tolerate any of the candidates, go and spoil the ballot by voting for "None of the above!" ... otherwise try to choose the least bad candidate and vote for some one ... In my humble opinion, when a person refuses to vote for their own society, then their society should do likewise and refuse to accept the person ... vote for the society you live in or leave and go live where there is no vote.

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