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  • Because we don't give two shits about your shoes or what happened on the way to work.
  • Generally 'cause we don't have a whole lot to say. And silences are very awkward over the phone.
  • It depends on what you're talking about!! ;)
  • My bf and I talk on the phone several times a day...and for long periods. We never run out of things to say. So, I don't agree with your assumption that all men don't like talking on the phone.
  • We do. It's just that texting looks cooler and is easier.
  • it really depends on the man, i personally know many men who love talking to *me* on the phone.
  • Where are you from because where I'm from I see men on their cell phones all day long! In fact I see more men on their phones than I see women. Of course, where I work there are more men clientele than women.
  • I like to say what needs to be said then move on to do things. My wife can't end a phone call because towards the end she or her mother will pop up "and what about....?"
  • Because they KNOW it won't immediately lead to sex...
  • Speaking for myself, I don't think I'm wired that way. I have a hard time connecting with anyone by just hearing their voice. It all seems too distant.
  • Because they cant stare at your breasts.
  • It's not only men, Elinor..I don't like talking on the phone. The only exceptions are when my son calls from Honolulu or my "second son" calls from Pt. Fermin (100 miles from where we live). Otherwise all my phone calls are short and sweet and to the point. I much prefer email! :)
  • Men communicate differently with each other. Girls use the phone. Male bonding generally takes place through watching or playing sports, pounding beers, hunting or fishing, etc. We don't talk about our feelings so why do we need a phone?
  • They're weird...I NEED my phone. Very good question. Maybe talking is not physical enough for them. Men are more visual so communication would most likely be better in person.
  • Because most men aren't into just talking for no reason or just for chitchat.
  • I think it depends on the person. I know alot of guys who love talking on the phone and alot of guys who dont. Same thing with girls alot of girls dont (like me) and alot of girls do.
  • Men generally communicate with each other by doing something, not by saying something. After a few words are exchanged by phone, or by e-mail, that's pretty much it. We don't spend a lot of time talking about people, except a few words about how hot some girl is, or what the hell the quarterback was thinking with that throw, that sort of thing. For women, the conversation you're having with your friend is the focus. For men, the activity you're doing with your friend is the focus. That's impossible to do over the phone.
  • Cuz, how long can you talk about nothing? 5 minutes tops, and good bye, straight to the point, and it's call it a phone call. I don't understand how girls can be on the phone for 3-4 hours and not get bored. Like when I'm dating girls, I'm on the line that long, but to me it's like wtf, how do you enjoy this. I mean, if it's a real cool conversation, then I understand, but when you're talking about BS, no topic whatsoever, then it's like yo, fuck lol I think you get my point. OH yea, and it doesn't lead to sex afterwards lol
  • Because we are simple... It is frustrating when women think we are some super complex people just because they are. We are not. When I come home from work, I don't want a 3 year old jumping in my face, I don't want a woman bombarding me with questions, I don't want anything except 20 freakin minutes to collect my thoughts and relax. But to a women that's every reason to them to be self conscious and think of every single bad thing it could be why we are not talking. If you are having a conversation with a man, and he is not talking, don't make your brain explode thinking of excuses being about you why he isn't talking, just start a conversation that tries to pique his interest.
  • Some men can't have an intellectually, stimulating, conversation, in person, let alone over the phone. A man with a curious mind is intriguing to me, and has endless topics to discuss. But, a man with a one track mind only has a few lines memorized, and then, has to hang up

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