• None, he also pursued multiple artistic and athletic skills, such as ice skating, classical ballet, and acting in school plays. He studied gymnastics at nearby San Jacinto College for two years.
  • LongShot, please don't answer about things you don't know about. I'm not sure to what degree Swayze has studied but I know for a fact he did study with Benny "The Jet" Urquidez who is a well known kickboxing coach and former champion in the ring, himself. I know that Swayze was also into the spiritual aspects of martial arts but don't know if he ever received any actual ranking.
  • "started there with judo, and after that I studied many different disciplines--aikido, tae kwon do, shotokan, isshin-ryu, kenpo and kung fu. The purpose wasn't to learn how to kick people's faces in, though I got very good at it." -Swayze source:

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